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Below is a gallery of astrology readings of famous persons, present and past. Each reading ranges from 2000-3000 words.  Peruse at your leisure.   If you decide to obtain one, your personal reading will be of similar length and style.
Oprah Winfrey


Born 29 January 1954 assumed 1200hrs in Kosciusko, Mississsippi


            Oprah Winfrey’s chart has several defining features which immediately catch the eye.  There is a grand trine between Mercury at 19Aquarius42, Jupiter at 16Gemini39 and Neptune at 26Libra04.  This speaks of great aptitude socially, intellectually, or both. There is also a precise conjunction between Sun and Venus at 09Aquarius19 and 09Aquarius15, respectively.  This speaks to a flirtatious, attractive personality and an uncanny, psychic ability to attract to oneself what one most desires through magnetic attraction, passive concentration, or ‘the secret’.  There is a trine between Uranus at 20Cancer18 and Mars at 23Scorpio45, which speaks of great ambition in one respect, and an ability to be attuned psychically, technologically, or both.  Saturn at 09Scoprio03 is in a precise square to the Sun/Venus conjunction in Aquarius.  This makes the native extremely hard on him or herself, almost self-punitive, but also speaks to great ambition, self-making ability, and persistence and tenacity.  The moon at 08Sagittarius26 is largely unaspected, except for the wide opposition to Jupiter at 16Gemini39, which speaks of misfortune and pettiness if not harnessed, but great magnanimity and good fortune if the native is sufficiently humble. 


A. Grand Trine (Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune) in Air Signs

B.  Venus/Sun Conjunction

C.  Uranus/Mars trine in Water Signs

D.  Saturn Square Venus/Sun Conjunction

E.  Moon in Sagittarius opposed to Jupiter



            A Grand Trine implies that there are three trines which need mention: Mercury/Jupiter, Jupiter/Neptune, and Neptune/Mercury.  Mercury in Aquarius “indicates a fine and clever mind, inquisitive, accurate and inventive.  As a native of this position you take great interest in other people and have excellent judgment of human nature. You love to analyze character and motivation, and with your finely tuned powers of observation are able to predict accurately how someone will react in a certain situation… You enjoy intellectual discussions about philosophy, metaphysics, the future of mankind.  Chances are you have read the classic writings of our great thinkers.  You are especially suited for work in progressive professions – science, inventions, the world of TV and electronics.  Sometimes you may seem eccentric, for your ideas are advanced and you also enjoy saying things that shock other people” (Woolfolk 185).  Meanwhile Jupiter in Gemini “gives a nature which expresses sympathy, charity, benevolence and humanitarian tendencies. The disposition is friendly, courteous, truthful, and trustworthy.  Fond of novelty, traveling and mental recreation.  The tendency is to intellectual development.  The mind is lofty and aspiring and although at times there seems to be restlessness and feelings of uncertainty or changeability, yet there is good comparison or mathematical faculty; also ability for literature, Occult investigation, psychic unfoldment and prophecy” (George 250-251).  Jupiter in air signs indicates an ease and personal expansion and trust with communication, language, intellectual pursuits, and social activities generally.  Placed in Gemini, the nature is acquisitive, inquiring, sociable, and friendly, if a bit superficial. The superficial nature of Gemini is completely undermined by Mercury’s placement in Aquarius, however, which makes the Jupiter/Mercury more akin to pithiness and quick depth, rather than superficiality.  Any tendency which Mercury in Aquarius has toward misanthropism and hermitism, however, is assuaged by Jupiter in Gemini’s hypersocial nature, so the Jupiter/Mercury trine yields the best of both the placements – Gemini’s quick insights, sociality, and perception without superficiality, and Aquarius’s humanitarianism, depth, and innovativeness without aloofness of character.  Neptune in Libra indicates “if well aspected, adds tenderness and compassion to the nature, increasing the imagination and giving poetical, musical and artistic appreciations.  IT tends to general popularity, love, friendship, and marriage. It gives a love of science, especially the Occult, interest in magic and motion pictures, social and economic equity” (George 266). “Neptune in the romantic sign emphasizes idealism and love.  Those born while Neptune transited Libra have been called the love generation.  Neptune-Librans seek harmony and balance, and are deeply bothered by injustice in the world.  Many  of the people who were born during the early years of Neptune’s journey through Libra became active in the anti-war movement of the 1960s. Neptune-Librans strongly believe in the concepts of brotherly love and resistance to inequity” (Woolfolk 220).  Neptune’s influence is usually muted in charts because it is an outer planet, so unless there are precise aspects – as Neptune/Mercury and Neptune/Jupiter trines are – Neptune usually rightly escapes mention.  However here, it is important to note that Neptune represents attraction and magnetism on a parapsychological, social and technological level.  Placed in Libra, Neptune would indicate a dissolution of social mores and establishment of new ones, an increased emphasis on the social Other, on fairness and beauty, but also value placed on severity, order, and judgment.  A trine to Jupiter would indicate magnanimity and graciousness, but also a tendency to excess – either drinking, eating, or frivolity generally.  There may be a tendency of the native to seek these as means of escape.  “Jupiter in favorable aspect to Neptune improves the artistic and poetic qualities, refines the imagination and strengthens the social, philanthropic and emotional side of the nature. Denotes honor, benevolence, courtesy, candor and sympathy” (George 354-355).  A trine to Mercury would indicate “fertile imagination; practical, quick, sensitive and resourceful mind; versatility of genius; receptivity to new ideas and methods.  Gives ability to develop mediumistic and psychic qualities, clairvoyance, psychometry, crystal gazing, automatic writing, trance and inspirational speaking.  The native is attracted to psychic centers and people, spiritual investigations, unconventional healing and hygienic methods or hydrotherapy, and success with same. It gives visions of prophetic dreams” (George 338).



             The Sun in Aquarius gives the native a philanthropic, emotionally detached character which is capable of observing and evaluating the world rationally, yet with a deep desire to reach inner purity and perfection.  Sun in Aquarius is best likened to the Labor of Hercules, the Aegean Stables. There, King Eurystheus tasked Hercules with cleaning the vast stable within one day of all its filth.  Thinking cleverly, Hercules diverted a nearby river and sent the deluge through the stable, cleansing it in a moment.  This metaphor works both transitively and intransitively to describe the Aquarian nature.  Transitively, some Aquarians are focused on cleansing institutuions of their filth – making them right – righting the wrongs and injustices that they see.  These Aquarian types manifest as classic reformers.  Intransitively, some Aquarians could not care less about social reform and prefer to focus on cleansing themselves, becoming pure inwardly, and engage in the perpetual project of bringing their inner selves up to their own high, Saturnian standards.  These Aquarians are no less eccentric or progressive than the other type, but rather than social, seem more aloof, heady, and even misanthropic at times.  This kind of Aquarius is more likened to a rebel.  Winfrey, of course, is an Aquarian of the first type. 

             The conjunction to Venus is of some note.  It is very precise, and Venus represents the placement of value – on and in what the native puts stock and trust, and what holds inherent importance for the native.  Winfrey puts value on people, and this is corroborated by the placement of Venus in the air sign of Aquarius, she is fundamentally humanitarian.  There is also a high placement of value on abstract ideals, and this also accords with an Aquarius air sign placement.  What is of note, however, is the conjunction to the Sun – Venus represents the native’s ability to obtain what one wants through magnetic concentration – to attract to oneself what one wants through semiconscious and persistent focus of one’s inner being, rather than externalized, objective pursuit (Mars).  Winfrey has an uncanny ability to focus on her self in a positive way, and order and arrange herself so that she attracts the things she wants out of life.  It is a very unique ability and comes up in her more candid interviews and discussions.  More superficially and behaviorally, the native with a Sun/Venus conjunction is bubbly, sociable, flirtatious and magnetic in a superficial sense.  Without the depth of character that a native like Winfrey chooses to emphasize, Sun/Venus conjunctions can negatively produce a native which is selfish, self-absorbed, lazy, self-important, and a little hedonistic.  The sources corroborate, writing “venus in good aspect to the sun [gives] fondness for company and hospitality, delighting in sociability, pleasure, ease, luxury, comfort, and places of entertainment.  The nature is generous, warm-hearted, sympathetic, courteous, amiable, kind, affectionate, impressionable and cheerful. The aspect is fruitful and creative, good for gaining money through business, profession, speculation, or public occupation, it shows popularity and promotion in employment, and preferment in social affairs” (George 339). “A very harmonious aspect bringing warmheartedness, sociability, and charm” (Woolfolk 283).  The more esoteric insights are mine, and follow Arroyo’s reading and treatment of Venus.



             Mars in Scorpio gives the native great ambition and an ability to dig deep in order to pursues a goal with unequalled tenacity.  Mars is at home in Scorpio, and represents the ability to pursue externalized objectives – the placement in Scorpio makes the native driven, decisive, and relentless. “This gives a practical nature with the capacity to work hard and accomplish much.  There is good executive power, mechanical and inventive ability.  In character the native is firm, positive, determined and forceful, with matter-of-fact manner and a seemingly cold or unconscious regard for the feelings of others” though, I think, these negative traits would be mitigated by Jupiter in Gemini and the Venus/Sun conjunction (George 246). “Mars in Scorpio underscores persistence and intensity.  As a Mars-Scorpio you are a hard-driving and resourceful person whose strength is not so much shown in the heat of action as in determination and relentlessness. Your efforts are well disciplined, always directed toward a purpose.  There are no wasted movements or needless expenditures of energy” (Woolfolk 196). This intensity to pursue a chosen external goal is unrivaled in the zodiac, except by Mars in Capricorn, Mars’s exaltation. Here there is a tendency to sublimate the emotions into your chosen tasks, and Winfrey in this internal transformation is able to produce uncanny, superhuman power to obtain what she wants.  Winfrey will get what she aims for in life, come hell or high water. 

              The trine to Uranus in Cancer gives more  of a flavor of content than of direction or energy.  Uranus in Cancer “is expressed through heightened sensitivity to other people.  You have a highly developed imagination and a subconscious that borders on psychic awareness.  Your intuitions can be trusted.  Valuable insights come to you through sudden and unexpected feelings that arrive in a flash.  You receive opportunities through the intervention of other people, often in chance encounters” (Woolfolk 213).  This placement brings intuition, drama, and romantic insight to the practical, feet on the ground resourcefulness of Mars in Scorpio.  There is a tendency that your goals will be directed toward the sensitive bits and nuances within the lives of others – and we see this in Oprahs’ Lifeclass and her emphasis on individual development and personhood among her guests.  There is a distinct perseverance and drive to achieve (Mars in Scorpio), but this drive to achieve is colored by a desire to communicate intuitively, to express, and  to touch the lives of others sympathetically (Uranus in Cancer).  The emotions which are sublimated by Mars in Scorpio into the ambitions of the native find a happy, expressive outlet in Uranus in Cancer, creating a blending of one’s external goals and the desire to be emotionally fulfilled.  Unlike an unaspected Mars in Scorpio, where sublimation may be into projects which don’t have an emotional outlet or fulfillment, Winfrey’s goals and projects are not fulfilling unless they also involve nurturing the lives of others. 


D. Saturn in Scorpio Square Venus/Sun conjunction

             Saturn is located in Scorpio, far from Mars, but in a perfect square aspect to Venus/Sun conjunction in Aquarius. Saturn represents “at what level of expression one tends to be inhibited and where one’s energy is blocked or restricted.  This inner blockage arises because that level of experience is overly-important to the individual.  He therefore tends to tie himself up in knots in this area of life and to constrict the flow of this energy by either trying too hard to express it or by avoiding or repressing it” (Arroyo 140).  This makes the native very hard on herself with regard to emotional disposition, as Scoprio is the sign of extremely great empathy, and yet also cloistering away the emotions so they cannot be detected by others.  The native may be marked by great judgment of her own emotions – hating her own jealousy, reprimanding herself for feeling certain emotions, and always sure that other emotions would be more appropriate.  “Sudden resolutions, violent temper, passionate, self-willed, acquisitive, jealous, independent, resourceful and cautious; shrewd mind rather than profoundly intellectual” (George 257). “Saturn is powerful in this secretive and passionate sign, lending subtlety and force to the personality. As a native of this position you understand human motivation, which enables you to control others. Your dominating strength is often hidden under a pleasant and genial exterior.  Saturn however, places obstacles in your path in the form of emotional difficulties and sometimes scandal” (Woolfolk 208).  I am not amenable to the divinatory insights, but it is important to note that the shrewdness and acquisitiveness that come from this placement are related to the tendency of Saturn in Scorpio to repress the emotions or sublimate them to other avenues – often managerial attitudes or social control.  This has the potential to be a very dark aspect, but also makes the native able to accomplish great things because he or she has amazing self-discipline – she simply demands just as much from others as she demands from herself.

             The square to the Sun makes the native extremely hard working, and speaks again to the native’s sublimation of the emotions into other parts of the personality – here we would see a potential to have a greatly deflated – or greatly inflated – ego if the native is too prideful.  For she would bear down hard on herself about her emotional attitudes, and this could make the native, with Sun in Aquarius, even more emotionally detached.  However, there is a capacity for great emotional sensitivity and expansive humanitarian care and emotion if the native can get in touch with her own feelings and emotions in a positive way. “Ability to persevere.  Good concentration; well organized. Succeeds through own efforts… Gives seriousness and sense of purpose” (Woolfolk 283). “This aspect is such that it aids general success and rise in life through the native’s own efforts and meritorious qualities, and the ability to concentrate, appraise, organize and coordinate the efforts toward a definite objective.  Makes the native sincere, considerate, conservative, methodical, responsible, discreet, discriminative, serious, confident and capable of sustained effort.  The personality is strong and not easily affected by the opinions and protests of others; the mentality is contemplative and practical, authoritative and capable of organization” (George 346).  This aspect is one which is, for the average person, exceedingly difficult, but Winfrey is an excellent example of how personal fortitude can be a method of transforming difficulties about one’s chart into ascendancy. 



            Like Sun/Saturn square, Winfrey’s Moon in Sagittarius is opposed to Jupiter in Gemini, a traditionally negative aspect.  Moon/Jupiter opposition would indicate “loss through misplaced confidence, loans, deception, dishonesty, excess, lack of candor, concealment of motives, irresolution, wrong judgment, either of self or by others” (George 328).  There would also be a tendency to puerility with regard to dealing with others, making mountains out of molehills, a pettiness that would be unflattering and make the native distasteful to others. However, this would result from excessive pride being handled badly, as the native’s Moon, located in Sagittarius, is expansive, positive, deep, and intellectual, and Jupiter is located in a sign of superficial sociality, quick judgment, and interrelatedness. That is to say, the way of dealing with others and self, regarding the emotions, is essentially opposed to the manner which the native feels most comfortable and has the most self-confidence.  “Moon in Sagittarius takes on a sparkle and brightness that it does not have in other signs.  Sagittarius is the astrological sign of higher learning and breadth of vision.  Here the Moon’s influence loses its passivity.  If you have the Moon in Sagittarius you are noted for your quick, sharp mind, extraordinary insights, and an ability to get things in a flash.  Your clear-thinking intelligence sifts through sensory impressions swiftly and with startling lucidity. You are the kind of person who envisions great goals and tehn, undaunted by possible failure, sets about achieving them. You rarely listen to advice about pitfalls and drawbacks, nor do you wait to find out if a plan is impractical or unworkable.  With energy and enthusiasm you rush in and usually accomplish what you set out to do. One reason for your success is your keen judgment.  With a Moon in this sign of lofty vision, you have a way of seeing farther than people with the Moon in other signs” (Woolfolk 159, emphasis added).  This describes Winfrey quite well.  However, Jupiter in Gemini can make a native so good at navigating social situations that the native appears instrumental of others and insincere.  However, if humble, and accessing the opposition, the native can become magnanimous and giving, and not petty.  “The Moon in Favorable aspect to Jupiter increases the imagination, intuition, and appreciation for beauty; indicates clcear, sound and usually correct judgment and reasoning.  Strengthens the vitality, fertility and resourcefulness.  Inclines to honesty, justice, benevolence, compassion, sympathy, friendliness and sociability.  Jovial, generous, humane, hopeful and popular” (George 328) if the native is sufficiently humble with regards to slights to pride – to which the native might be unusually sensitive – and is able to manifest the higher attributes of the Moon/Jupiter opposition.

Astrology Readings of Famous People

Who should my next famous astrology reading be? Shoot me an email from the contact page with suggestions!


H P Lovecraft


Born 20 August 1890 assumed 1200hrs in Providence, RI


                Born on August 20, the Sun was in Leo when HP Lovecraft was born.  “In Leo the Sun gives an active mind, good nature, generosity, many friends” – although with Mercury moved ahead in Virgo, the way of communicating socially is demure, polite, and unassuming, rather than bombastic and outgoing. “Is a natural leader, ambitious, independent, determined, persistent, industrious, honest and very conscientious; philosophical, philanthropic” (George 239). Leo often gives to the native some particular talent or skill at which they are one of the very best.  As mentioned, with Mercury in Virgo, in its exaltation, the native has “good intellect: comprehensive, cautious, prudent, discriminative, practical, versatile, inventive, intuitive, perceptive, and possesses ability for study and memorizing.  Power of persuasion; a good scholar or linguist, fluency as a writer, well informed, capable in detail, sequence and expression.  Innate love for mystery or for occult investigation” (George 230). 


                HP Lovecraft’s moon warrants considerable discussion.  It is located at 23Libra40 with an exceptionally precise conjunction to Uranus at 23Libra42.  “Libra is the sign of esthetic perceptions and here the Moon’s romantic, glamorous influence is accentuated.  If you have the Moon in Libra you have a keen appreciation for beauty and art, and an artistic eye unmatched by any other Moon sign.  You also have a heightened awareness to your environment and to other people… The Moon in the balanced sign of Libra endows you with an open, independent mind that tries to evaluate the world dispassionately and rationally.  A Moon in Libra also confers great personal charm and enhances the ability to get along with other people.  You are marvelous at understanding the other person’s point of view (though you never lose sight of your own self interest)… If your Sun is in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Libra Moon heightens your magnetism and flair, and aids your ability to put original ideas into successful action” (Woolfolk 156-157).  What Woolfolk doesn’t say is that the Moon provides the emotional foundation of a person’s chart and personality.  With Moon in Air signs, the native is often somewhat high strung, and while rational and circumspect of other people’s dispositions and feelings, they tend to, regarding themselves and their own emotions, be emotionally detached.  The tendency is to respond to stimuli with a rational disposition, and subjugate the emotional and deal with it later.  This habit leads to a tendency to become snappish or desultory at times over trifles, when the real reason for being upset has been sublimated or repressed.  However, the love of beauty, fairness, and justice cannot be overstated, especially because in Lovecraft’s case, the Moon’s ruler – Venus – is also in Libra, emphasizing the value that the native places on structure, fairness, balance, and beauty. 

                The conjunction of Uranus/Moon at 23Libra is important.  Uranus becomes bombastic and rebellious in air signs, with a heightened ability to tap into ideas, but also a tendency to flout conventions and invent new ones.  “Libra is an artistic sign, and Uranus bestows style and imagination.  You are known for your unusual or exotic taste in art or decoration.  You possess and appealing charm in the way you present yourself or dress.  Uranus confers and ability to make a memorable first impression” (Woolfolk 214). Uranus in Libra “Makes the native a good reasoner, fond of traveling, eccentric, ambitious, quick-tempered, restless and the possessor of good imagination, taste, intuition, and aesthetic faculties.  This location favors scientific, artistic, literary or judicial professions, gives telepathic and inventive ability and much personal magnetism… If afflicted, it is likely through some peculiarity of manner, to produce a lack of sympathy or affection, also to arouse enmity, rivalry, opposition, criticism” (George 261).  “Success and gain through the occult, and through original, inventive, and progressive people.  The aspect tends to awaken the imaging faculties, quickens the thought and intuition, leads the mind into original lines and gives interest in new methods, inventions, curiosities, etc., giving mesmeric and psychic faculty; good for healing and telepathy” (George 330). Of the conjunction, Woolfolk writes “an original, highly individual personality.  Native may be considered eccentric, unusual- will not conform or be restricted” (284).

                There are no planets located in the three water signs, Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces.  “People with a lack of watery attunement have great difficulty entering into the feelings of others with empathy and compassion, as well as getting in touch with their own feelings and emotional needs.  This does not mean they alck sensitivity in al lcases, but they inevitably have trouble dealing with their own feelings; the world of emotions seems to them a foreign land of great peril which would likely be more troublesome than beneficial. In extreme cases, one finds cold, aloof, and callous people with this imbalance. Such people are noted for their lack of sympathy and rarely have good emotional rapport with others.  They tend to disregard the feelings of others as unimportant, unable to see in others that which they cannot accept in themselves… As Jung pointed out in all of his writings, however, whatever is denied conscious access continues to influence the individual anyhow, but via unconscious processes. People lacking water will very often resist all efforts of ot hers to draw them out of their emotional void, while at the same time making groping, half-conscious gestures towards others which reveal their loneliness, fear, or inner misery.  Those with this imbalance in their charts can achieve a measure of emotional stability by slowly letting the seemingly endless pool of feelings come to the surface, thus releasing the accumulated pain and suffering which they have for so long denied.  These people seem fanatically fearful of pain, with the result that their disregard of their emotional needs insures that they will experience more pain” (Arroyo 118-119).  An absence of Water makes a native’s interior emotional life fraught with difficulty and self-denial – but it also intimates that maybe Lovecraft’s fear of the emotions manifested as the monstrous, indescribable unknown in his art.  Food for thought. 


                Saturn is located in Virgo, and this makes the native a hard worker, discriminatory, careful, and precise, with great attention to detail.  “Reserved, discreet, cautious, prudent, frugal, quiet, and intuitive. Somewhat worried, anxious, doubtful, or mistrustful. At times very gloomy, depressed, and easily discouraged.  Inclination for investigation of the mysterious; fond of the Occult and profound or scientific studies” (George 256).  Located at 06Virgo01, it is sufficiently close to the Sun at 27Leo34 to induce a wide conjunction, across signs, which tends to be difficult.  Saturn/Sun conjunctions “Gives seriousness and sense of purpose.  This aspect is often found in the charts of self-made men and women” (Woolfolk 283). There is a strong sense of industry and hard work, and this aspect would drive the native to be prolific in whatever he did – in Lovecraft’s case, in writing. 


                Jupiter, which esoterically mirrors the restrictive, constructive influence of Saturn as the expansive, gracious influence of the birth chart, is located at 04Aquarius38 in a grand trine with Pluto/Neptune at 07Gemini50 and 06Geminie43 respectively, and Venus at 11Libra02.  Jupiter/Venus aspects make the native swell up and be almost too much, prideful and excessively talented in some area of their lives.  With vEnus and Jupiter planted in Air signs, the native would be exceptionally focused on the intellect, social relationships, or both.  We see with Lovecraft that the emphasis is on the intellect, certainly.  “Jupiter in Aquarius contributes to a magnetic ability to win friends,” writes Woolfolk (203), and George corroborates with “cheerful, good-humored, obliging, just, merciful, compassionate, sympathetic, philanthropic, congenial” (254).  However, it is of note that the emphasis of Jupiter in airy Aquarius can be either social, or intellectual.  If intellectual, Jupiter located here can even have a tendency to misanthropism and hermitism, as the native ferrets him or herself away to focus on the intellectual pursuits of his or her life and could not care less about the conventional beliefs and insights of the rest of the world.  “Jupiter in Aquarius gives original, independent, and progressive views; often indifferent to the ordinary affairs of live, favors development of the higher attributes of mind through hygiene, philosophy, science, literature, music, classical and ancient arts” (George 254). 

                The Pluto/Neptune conjunct was felt by all who were born in this era, and this marked the lives of the late 19th Century with “a magnetic ability to express themselves – a hypnotic way of communicating.  Many create a lasting impression on the public. Neptune in this position gives inspiration for new inventions in science and Mathematics” and this blends with the esoteric, intellectual placement of Jupiter in Aquarius and Venus in Libra – giving the native exceptional talent for great art and expression.   “When Pluto was last in Gemini, the sign of communication, it revolutionized the way information reached the masses. This was the era when newspapers came into prominence.  The phonograph and photography reproduced sounds and visual information for wides use by the public. The first motion pictures were invented and gave rise to a new industry…When Pluto is in Gemini the planets personal influence gives its natives and inventive and restless mind that seeks change and freedom from old restriction” (Woofolk 225).

                Venus, as an esoteric chart ruler, and placed in Libra, makes the native place value on language, rules, fairness, beauty and art.  These are twisted toward the occult and innovative science from the influence of the Pluto/Neptune conjunction in Gemini and gravitas and languor, as well as loquaciousness, from the placement of Jupiter in Aquarius.  All in all, in sum, we have a decidedly mental character who thinks through problems and has a command of language which is enviable and beautiful, and a profound emotional connection to the occult and philosophy.  The native gets what he or she wants by shooting for the stars, and while Mars in Sagittarius can make a native weak on follow through, the squares to Mercury and Saturn in Virgo give the native a strong sense of detail and hard work which overcomes the rampant goal-setting that can mark Mars-Sagittarians.  That said, Mars “promotes courage, independence, and daring. Dashing and exciting as your actions may be, you are easily distracted. Your attention becomes riveted to a new plan, and your meteoric enthusiasm turns in that direction. This does not mean that you accomplish anything, for you can produce remarkable results in a short time.”  This would aid Lovecraft’s prolific writing style. 

Donald Trump


Born 14 June 1946 assumed 1200hrs in Queens, NY


             Trump’s natal Sun is at 22Gemini58 in a precise opposition to the Moon at 21Sagittarius45.  Moon/Sun oppositions give a big, inflated personality, and make the native adaptable, forthright, confident, and intrepid.  The Sun is also in a wide conjunction to Uranus at 17Gemini54, with a precise trine to Jupiter at 17Libra27.  The Sun/Uranus conjunction would make the native bombastic and individualistic, flouting conventions as a trendsetter.  However, the trine to Jupiter tends to make the native self-aggrandizing and megalomaniac, if the aspect is not checked by personal humility and selflessness.  Mercury at 08Cancer57 is squared Neptune at 05Libra51 – this makes the native pithy with words, able to say what needs to be said, though he may hide vulnerability with humor. Venus and Saturn are conjunct, also in Cancer, at 25Cancer48 and 23Cancer49 respectively.  The native both places great value on the emotions and is quite sentimental, while also being judgmental of his own emotions and circumspect about emotional displays.  Lastly, Mars is located at 26Leo48 trine the Moon in Sagittarius, making the native diligent and hardworking, unrelenting and constantly attracting attention to his own projects.


  1. Sun in Gemini opposed Moon in Sagittarius

  2. Sun conjunct Uranus trine Jupiter in Libra

  3. Mercury in Cancer square Neptune in Libra

  4. Venus and Saturn conjunct in Cancer

  5. Mars in Leo trine Moon in Sagittarius



             Donald Trump’s natal Sun is in Gemini, making him fundamentally rational, social, and intellectual in nature, if a little emotionally detached. “People born under this sign are many sided, quick in thought and action, clever with words, skillful at handling others, brimful of new ideas… Gemini people do not sit back and watch the scenery go by.  As a Gemini, you are endlessly curious about everything and must be a part of the busy passing scene… Duality is your most famous trait.  You usually want more than one of everything.  That includes jobs, hobbies, careers, lovers. Basically your nature is restless, on the god, inquest of new ideas and fresh experiences.  AS a result, you often leave a trail of unfinished tasks.  Your tendency is to fritter away energy on too many projects instead of concentrating your cleverness on one task” (Woolfolk 15).  The affinities between this description and Trump’s career in business is immediately apparent.  Mutable signs in general (Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius, less-so Virgo) are not usually known for their follow-through – however natives with these Sun signs learn through trial and error or the vicissitudes of life to be more circumspect about tasks before starting new projects they cannot complete.  However, when backed by considerable wealth and resources, Trump never needed to learn this lesson, and launches upon fiscal endeavor after endeavor, deeming the costs of failure always less than that of not trying at all.  “Gemini is the sign of communication – and its natives have an urgent and continual need to communicate” (Woolfolk 15).  We do not have enough of Trump’s myriad communications, which he uses to manipulate the press and steer public opinion.

                The Moon was opposed to the Sun, located in Sagittarius at Trump’s birth.  This placement of the Moon makes the native ambitious, extraverted, fiery, and optimistic.  Woolfolk writes, “You are the kind of person who envisons great foals and tehn, undaunted by possible failure, sets about achieving them.  You rarely listen to advice about pitfalls and drawbacks, nor do you wait to find out if a plan is impractical or unworkable.  With energy and enthusiasm you rush in and usually accomplish what you set out to do.  One reason for your success is your keen judgment.  With a Moon in this sign of lofty vision, you have a way of seeing farther than people with  the Moon in other signs” (Woolfolk 159).  Comments about loftiness of vision aside, Woolfolk’s insights are largely correct with regards to Trump.  There is an optimism that is so headstrong that it makes the native undaunted, daring to accomplish any whim that crosses the native’s curious, quick, and agile Gemini mind.  The Moon represents the emotions in astrology, and natives with Moon in fire signs have the first inclination to do and act in response to stimuli, rather than think, protect, or feel. “Since you believe in your luck, you tend to abandon yourself to whatever fate has in store.  You operate on the theory of optimistic fatalism.  The danger is that you may push your luck too far.  However, a setback does not keep you down for long.  With renewed high spirits and a fresh outlook, you hitch up your wagjon once more to the stars” (Woolfolk 159).  While other Moon in Sagittarians would eventually be waylaid by setbacks or turn their goals to more manageable tasks, Trump’s Mars in Leo gives him a tenacity that other mutable natives tend to lack, to be discussed below.

                Oppositions are when two planets are in 180 degree angles to one another, roughly.  These usually indicate a tension, because planets blend in their harmonic influence and quadriplicity, yet are opposed in their element.  While Gemini is an Air sign, Sagittarius is a Fire sign, one preoccupied with thought and sociality, the other with action and lofty pursuits.  However, both signs are mutable, which is to say the native is highly adaptable and volatile, as both Sagittarius and Gemini are signs of rapid impulse/response – Gemini’s more cautious, circumspect nature potentially manifesting as a check on Sagittarius’s adventuresome inclinations.  In any case, Moon/Sun aspects make the native “ambitious, venturesome, egotistical, irresolute, sensitive, compelling and immoderate” if the native does not check or address the tendency to become prideful and full of self-will (George 327).  Not that all full moon births are bad – natives can develop “sincerity, energy, will, loyalty, ambition, and adaptability” if thought is put toward developing them, and it may be true that Trump on some level has some of these kinder qualities (George 326).



                The Sun in conjunction with Uranus makes a native bombastic, willfull and headstrong, particularly when located in air signs.  When harnessed for good, this aspect produces “Leadership ability; strong initiative. A touch of inspiration and genius in thinking,” although it negatively can make a native “Rash; erratic. Nervous strain” (Woolfolk 283).  The conjunction of Sun/Uranus tends on the whole toward “originality and independence. Inclined to be obstinate.  Possible superiority complex” (Woolfolk 283).  Uranus is an outer planet and does not usually make mention in natal charts unless the aspects are relatively precise.  When precise, however, Uranus represents technology, parapsychology and volatility in a natal chart, and has a tendency to frustrate somewhat the planets with which it comes into contact.  The conjunction to the Sun brings out a volatility with respect to the ego or sense of self – the sense of self is somewhat belabored by Uranus, and the native overcompensates by being bombastic, unusual, aloof, or hypersocial.  “The Sun in favorable aspect to Uranus denotes talent, perception, intuition, independence, originality and enterprise… Denotes a quick, intuitive, perceptive and original mind, always alert for change, liberty, freedom, novelty and new opportunities” (George 347-348).

                Taken alone, Uranus in Gemini “endows the native with versatility, and indicates some eccentricity in friendship and in expression.  It increases mental power through originality, intuition and ingenuity.  The native loves science and invention, and favors new ideas, reforms and out-of-the-ordinary subjects” (George 259).  Gemini is the sign of interpersonal communication, and the planet which embodies parapsychological or technological communication is empowered by being placed here, especially in charts where the native’s Uranus is highly aspected (as Trump’s is by the Sun in conjunction and Jupiter in very precise trine).  “In Gemini, Uranus shows its power through ideas. You are intellectual and imaginative.  You possess a magnetic mind that draws people to you, and have the ability to sway others to your point of view.  Your energy is forceful in mental pursuits.  You are attracted to offbeat ideas and fascinated by psychic phenomena and unexplained events.  Uranus in Gemini produces a strong urge to express yourself in writing and speaking and to create something striking and startling.  Even in ordinary communication, such as phone calls and letters [or twitter!], you are original and captivating and your amusing way with words is evident” (Woolfolk 213). The need to express might be overwhelming for someone with a Sun/Uranus conjunction, and they may burst at the seams in order to express how they feel.

                Jupiter in Libra is trine, or in 120 degree angle to, the Sun/Uranus conjunction in Gemini.  Taken alone, Jupiter in Libra is unassuming, and brings with it a love of law, justice, and beauty. Taken alone, “the disposition is mild and temperate, sincere, earnest, kind, sociable and obliging.  The native is conscientious, compassionate, imaginative and perceptive; loves peace, justice, mercy and harmony.  Charitable, philanthropic, fond of travel, music, art and all intellectual and cultured entertainment” (George 252).  Jupiter “shows what sorts of experiences and modes of activity generate an inner faith and confidence in oneself.  To state this another way, one is able to experience a protective feeling of unity with a greater power or plan when one operates on the level indicated” by Jupiter’s sign (Arroyo 140). In aspects, Jupiter brings an added confidence and faith to whatever planet with which it blends its energy – with Venus it is value and emotion, for example.  With the Sun, it is the ego, and with the Moon it is the sense of inner self.  Those with Sun/Jupiter or Moon/Jupiter trines or conjunctions have a tendency to be exceedingly full of themselves, and have a huge capacity for self-aggrandizement and personal vanity.  Hitler’s Moon/Jupiter conjunct in Capricorn is an example of this aspect – left unchecked, historically benefic Moon/Jupiter and Sun/Jupiter aspects can tend toward megalomania, rather than magnanimity.  George writes, “The tendency at times is to be bombastic, irritable, haughty, egotistical, mistrustful, and fond of display, pleasure and comfort” (George 346). “Extravagant and spend-thrift tendencies.  Person may be conceited, overbearing, indolent” (Woolfolk 283).  I trust I do not need to discuss Trump’s antics to corroborate this testimony with evidence.

                The tendency to volatility is further exacerbated by the Jupiter/Uranus trine in air signs.  While in a developed personality “it denotes broad scope of mind and originality of thought with interesting, surprising or unique logic and manner of reasoning… The nature is just, refined, sociable, humanitarian and progressive; intuitive, prophetic and usually correct in foresight” (George 354). Negatively, however, there is “loss through impulse, unwise management and imprudent action, risky ventures, unpremeditated acts.  Through unfortunate decisions, changes and events the subjects is hindered and delayed, or denied the achievement of his highest ambitions” (George 354).  The erratic behavior and volatility may be exacerbated by pride beyond the prophetic ability and eccentric insight which Jupiter/Uranus trines and conjunctions might otherwise provide.



                Trump’s natal Mercury is in Cancer, and this is square his Neptune, also in Libra. With Mercury in Cancer, Trump’s tendency is to be biting and sardonic with his communication, although there is a capacity for artistic talent and sympathy if the native could move beyond the caustic shell that Cancerians keep for fear of vulnerability. “As a native of this Mercury position, you are sensitive to what others think about you.  You have an almost sixth-sense intuition and pick up signals from all around you.  You believe that if we had to depend only on our eyes we would see very little.  You are chameleon-like in the way you are able to adapt yourself to different kinds of people.  This does not mean you don’t cling possessively to your own ideas.  Indeed, you are a bit narrowminded, but others would need to be as psychic as you are to discern this.  On the surface it is not evident; you maintain a charming social face.  Your outlook is intensely personal – you’re fond of discussing large events in terms of your own feelings” (Woolfolk 183).  This sympathetic nature has a tendency to swamp the judgment if the native is not careful, despite Sun in Gemini’s aptitude for being a great decision-maker, if a little slow, usually wanting to weigh all the options.  With Sun/Uranus conjunct in Gemini, that circumspect nature is forgone.

                Neptune usually has minimal impact on a natal chart unless aspects are considerably precise, but when that is the case, Neptune indicates a dissolving effect on the planets with which it comes into contact.  There is a heightened ability to attract to oneself what one wants subliminally, through the unconscious ether, so to speak, and if the native is preoccupied with the negative Neptune can indicate one’s own self-undoing.  Neptune in Libra dissolves and transforms the law and order of society, and indicates “too much sympathetic emotion, easily moved to tears, too great an attraction toward the opposite sex. Mysterious conditions arise out of unions and associations with others,” presumably because one’s judgment of character is bad, or more esoterically, because one attracts to oneself nefarious characters.

                Mercury in Cancer square Neptune in Libra would indicate, in the chart of a developed or reflective person, a great aptitude for the creative arts, the ability to say what is needed at the right time, or to tap into the occult, esoteric, or paranormal. “Fertile imagination; practical, quick, sensitive and resourceful mind; versatility of genius; receptivity to new ideas and methods. Gives ability to develop mediumistic and psychic qualities, clairvoyance, psychometry, crystal gazing, automatic writing, trance and inspirational thinking” (George 338).  Negatively, however, or in undeveloped persons who have not through astrology, religion, or self-discipline moved beyond the petty, “the memory is apt to be poor, the mind vacillating and somewhat unpractical, affected by spells or periods of mental aberration, abstraction, lack of concentration, absentmindedness, dreaminess or irresolution.  It tends to nervousness, sensitiveness [in a negative sense], restlessness, changes… Difficulties through changefulness, unexplainable psychic conditions, lack of cautious self-control and the liability to be led by the impulses, sensations, appetites, emotions, sympathy and by the ideas, thoughts and advice of others, resulting in nervous restless excitability, which exhausts the vital processes” (George 338).  In addition to all this, Neptune can be the planet of self-undoing, and as such placement in Libra, the sign of law, indicates the native will bring himself into legal trouble, particularly with regard to his manner of speech and interpersonal communication.



                Venus and Saturn are conjunct in Cancer.  Taken separately, Venus represents the placement of value, what one holds most to be important.  Difficult in water signs, Venus indicates “the need for constant emotional feeding and sympathetic caring, and for a consistent and steady responsiveness to one’s sensitivity and vulnerability” (Arroyo 137).  Venus in Cancer makes the native place great value on their own emotions if they are selfish, and on the emotions of others if they are caring – for they have an innate ability to perceive others’ emotions and can respond accordingly.  This is Water signs’ peculiar gift.  Saturn on the other hand indicates “at what level of expression one tends to be inhibited and where one’s energy is blocked or restricted.  This inner blockage arises because that level of experience is overly-important to the individual.  He therefore tends to tie himself up in knots in this area of life and to constrict the flow of this energy by either trying too hard to express it or by avoiding or repressing it” (Arroyo 140).  Venus/Saturn conjunctions therefore indicate a tension between placing great value on some area of life, and yet also feeling oneself perpetually deficient in that same area.  The native is probably preoccupied with this area – and in Cancer, we can understand that to be  the emotions – and with Saturn in Water signs, there is a tendency to repress the emotions and sublimate them into other areas of life.

                Saturn in Cancer, which is its traditional detriment or difficult location, “encourages too much dependence on others in this emotional and clinging sign.  As a Saturn-Cancerian, you love to overindulge in eating, drinking, and other sensual pleasures.  In this position, though, Saturn also gives a shrewdness and tenacity to your personality.  You are superb at seeing a task through to completion” – an amenable trait, since Sun in Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius can often lack follow through (Woolfolk 207).  “Dissatisfied feelings causing many changes of residence and pursuits.  Changeable moods; somewhat fretful, discontented or jealous. Domestic troubles; anxiety and sorrow through attachments” (George 255-256). Saturn in Cancer is difficult because there is a tendency for Saturn to be judgmental regarding the emotions – Trump probably deeply hates emotional displays, particularly those that make someone appear weak or vulnerable – tears, apologies, and back-pedaling are not to be tolerated.  All the emphasis on emotion, however, is bottled up in considerable self-denial, as the Cancer native’s tendency, with two or more planets in the sign, is to hide the emotions in order to protect oneself and not become vulnerable – especially when there are planets such as Venus, Mercury, and Saturn placed therein and the native has not developed the artistic, intuitive, nurturing, and sympathetic capabilities of the sign. 



                Lastly, Donald Trump’s Mars is located in Leo, and Mars is happy in fixed signs, where objective goals are pursued with obstinacy, and fire signs, where objective goals are pursued intrepidly, with endeavor. “With this Mars position in your chart you are never ordinary.  You make grand plans and possess the force and drive to put them into action.  No one else can grab the attention and affection of others the way you can… You are creative at work, but at time can be overbearing, authoritative and a bit condescending.  Mars-Leos see events in terms of themselves; it would never occur to you to be an anonymous observer” (Woolfolk 195-196).  Leo is the sign of self-absorption and self-confidence, and Mars here means the native pursues projects with great faith. And whenever possible, he or she deliberately attracts attention to those goals and projects, in order to better see them to fruition – as though an audience were part of the goal of accomplishment itself.

                There is a trine to the Moon, and Moon/Mars trine in fire signs makes the native all the more daring, ostentatious, audacious, and obstinate in pursuing projects and making their tasks and powers known.  “The subject is ambitious, energetic, firm, brave, ardent and resolute” (George 327).  However, if the aspect is not harnessed with a humble manner, the native becomes “Brave but headstrong; inclined to acts and words which are indiscreet or rash, causing regret, humiliation and sorrow.  The temper is quick, resulting in disputes, strife and difficulties.  Self-confident, egotistic, domineering, daring and venturesome.  The desire is for freedom and liberty of expression; obstacles and opposition or lack of opportunities cause fits of passion. Apt to suffer from disregard of regulations, carelessness of consequences through appetites, sex impulse and through scandal, criticism, and enmity” (George 327-328).  This placement has potential for great leadership ability and the capacity to inspire, but also a dangerous tendency to fly off the handle, with little self-control if the native does not actively work to control his temper and manage his manner.

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